How do you make sure that you get some additional income other than your main source of revenue? What is your plan B?
At the moment other than my main source of income, I am not making any other income on top of that but I am working on things such as a YouTube channel and also monetizing websites which I hope will eventually become a source of passive income that will be on top of my main source of income.
The only challenge is getting subscribers to always watch your videos.
There are 3 areas if you want to dominate on YouTube
1. Content and Presentation
2. Technical - audio and video editing, camera, voice recording, lights, studio
3. Marketing
I've already done it with my Facebook and Instagram.
My plan B to another money different from my pay at work is setting up my own business which is already in motion. I own a bottle water firm where they produce bottled drinking water. It's a business that's worth more than $100k.How do you make sure that you get some additional income other than your main source of revenue? What is your plan B?
Make your money work for you is what I tell anyone who's interested in getting additional source of income. You don't have to put your body through the stress of working 16 hours in a day when your money can work for you.How do you make sure that you get some additional income other than your main source of revenue? What is your plan B?
Self-sustenance is very important when it comes to doing everything necessarily possible for you to become independent. You can never depend on one source of income and become successful in life. My plan B is investment in real estate.How do you make sure that you get some additional income other than your main source of revenue? What is your plan B?