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Credit Card


Staff member
Does having a credit card help you do better when monetizing your projects? What advantage do you have when using credit card instead of other options?
I don't have a credit card. I am not ready to get it, my finances haven't reach to the point of getting one for myself.

I know it have it's own advantage in monetising projects such as providing quick access to capital, processing payment from customers but if one didn't use it wisely, it will lead to overspending or accumulating high interest debt.
But it helps a lot. Credit cards are often seen as an assurance. Even if you are trying to get an EMI with a cash-loaded debit card, there are issues. But if you go ahead with a standard credit card, things are a lot easier.

I am not saying that it is the best financial advice, but it works at times and there are no good alternatives.
Yeah, it works at times but not all the time. If there's any other food alternatives, credit card won't be the first option but because there isn't.