IGN is one of the biggest gaming website I know. You said that you used to have a site similar to it, why didn't you run it anymore?I used to have a website much similar to IGN but in a regional language. It talked about all sort of PC games at that time.
I have considered gaming as a means to earn money as a video game content creator. Over the time I spent creating video game content and live streaming as well, I was able to earn quite a bit but it's not always easy to keep it consistent.
I am a Twitch Affiliate and would like to when I get the chance go back and push to become a partner one day.
I haven't earn money from gaming, guess it wasn't my calling. I saw gaming as something that's for fun and I don't have strategy to make money from it. I think I prefer the fun aspects of gaming than the monetary aspectGaming have been part of my life for years since I was 7 years old. I've grown to love it so much and have taken part in some of the online gaming tournaments. I've won some cash prize but not so much. It's the only way I've made money from games.
I haven't earn money from gaming, guess it wasn't my calling. I saw gaming as something that's for fun and I don't have strategy to make money from it. I think I prefer the fun aspects of gaming than the monetary aspect
That's the more reason that I didn't bother myself to do pass myself. The pleasure is to enjoy games and not to earn from it because I might still not earn if I try.It is not easy for you to win tournament and competitions when you are playing against other top managers or gamers. Most people who participate in such tournament end up not winning anything. So, you're not the only one that have had such experience.
Yeah, you can make huge amount of money. You can check out websites that are in need of it and make your money. Just start somewhere and see yourself grow.I don't know if it's possible to make money from writing video games reviews. It's the only thing that I can think of doing now in the gaming industry that's like offering services to gamers.