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Do you have any crypto saved for retirement needs?


New member
Cryptocurrency is one of the most popular project people are investing today. Depending on how you go about your investment in cryptocurrency, you can become a millionaire within a short period of time.

Do you have any investment saved in any cryptocurrency for your retirement needs?

How much are you looking at making from your investment in cryptocurrency?
Nope, I don't have any cryptocurrency saved up as a retirement fund. Cryptocurrency is volatile which makes it not reliable to be kept for a long time because it's going to lose value.
Nope, I don't have any cryptocurrency saved up as a retirement fund. Cryptocurrency is volatile which makes it not reliable to be kept for a long time because it's going to lose value.
This is very correct because in my experience of handling cryptocurrency transaction for years, it is almost impossible for you to find cryptocurrency to be stable for a long time except you are using stable coins like USDT.
Nope, I don't have any cryptocurrency saved up as a retirement fund. Cryptocurrency is volatile which makes it not reliable to be kept for a long time because it's going to lose value.
It's as a result of this volatile nature of cryptocurrency that have kept me away from investing money in it. I don't like losing my money unnecessarily.
This is very correct because in my experience of handling cryptocurrency transaction for years, it is almost impossible for you to find cryptocurrency to be stable for a long time except you are using stable coins like USDT.
There's no difference in keeping stable coins like USDT when compared with keeping your USD in your bank account. Do you think there's much difference?
There's no difference in keeping stable coins like USDT when compared with keeping your USD in your bank account. Do you think there's much difference?
Yes, in most cases there's no much difference. The only advantage is when you want to use cryptocurrency for your transaction, having USDT already makes it easier.
This is very correct because in my experience of handling cryptocurrency transaction for years, it is almost impossible for you to find cryptocurrency to be stable for a long time except you are using stable coins like USDT.
There are some people with a lot of spare money that they are willing to invest their money in Bitcoin and leave it for years without minding what the market is doing. But they are very certain of making profit from it when they are ready to cash out.
I wouldn't call the money I have invested in cryptocurrency so far my retirement funds. I know it's a decent amount but not enough to be considered retirement investment. I'll need millions added to it before it will be so.
I don't have any funds that I saved in crypto as a retirement fund. I can trade and invest if the need arises but for now, there's nothing to save for retirement because I need to work more.
I had looked into keeping crypto funds and saving them in hopes of making something from it but the more I researched, the more I realized that it could be a bad decision to hold it as you could lose everything saved and be left with nothing.

I can accept crypto payments and I can trade if I wish to but I would much rather take any funds I earn and keep them in a savings account with my bank as it feels safer that way.
Actually, I have a substantial amount of cryptocurrency which I have set aside just in case of an emergency which is serious. But if I still have more funds to buy and keep for my retirement needs in the future, I'll do so.
Cryptocurrency is not something that I think is going to be viable for me to save as a retirement investment or package because of its volatile nature. Anything that I have saved up for retirement is in USD currently.
I have a good sized cryptocurrency portfolio but I wouldn't call it a retirement saving because I have that taken care of from my work pay. I have a separate saving for my retirement plans.
Cryptocurrency is a long-term investment which is why I also believe I can call whatever I have already saved in my cryptocurrency portfolio as part of my retirement investments.
I wouldn't be relaxed to leave a huge amount of money in a cryptocurrency that's not a stable coin. I can't have my money being subjected to going up and down all the time.
Cryptocurrency is too volatile to keep for retirement purposes. You should be able to keep an eye on your investments and sell off when it is advisable. The cryptocurrency can go to zero when you are retired.
Retirement? Nah, it is still too early for me to be thinking about that. I gotta secure that financial freedom first before worrying about my retirement plans.